What are colors?

Every vision needs light, the reason we can't see in darkness is that there is no light that the objects can absorb. I talked before about how items transmit light to the eye so that we are capable of seeing, besides every object is capable of absorbing a quantified amount of energy which resembles a certain color of the visible EM spectrum. So how do we know which color the object has absorbed depending on its apparent color?
According to experiments, scientists have established a complementary color wheel, the purpose of this wheel is that gives you the apparent color depending on the absorbed color.
 To simplify the idea let's suppose that the object absorbs one specific color from the white light, let's say green, for example, depending on the wheel the directly opposite color of green is red so the object appears red.
If another object absorbs 2 colors like blue and yellow the seeming color will be a mixture of orange and purple and so on...
If a third object absorbs nearly the entirety of the visible EM spectrum the visible color would be black, this explains why black holes are black that's because their gravitational attraction is so strong that even light cannot escape. I think every one of you heard the famous story of not wearing black colors on a hot sunny day, this is because black absorbs so much light and energy, that it will heat the fabric of your clothes and smoke you like a piece of bacon. As an alternative, it is advised to wear a light colored outfit especially if it's white because they are the least absorbing colors and will keep your body relatively cool.
You must've wondered why do some objects appear transparent?
The answer is also transparent, that means they do not absorb light, the light can easily pass through them as if nothing was there.


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