The birth of the universe !!

Most of you have already wondered about the creation of the universe. Did it exist from the very beginning? Maybe there is some kind of phenomenon that gave birth to it?! And I bet you all have heard about the theory of the BIG BANG but most of you don't really believe in such theory for lack of evidence. 
The big bang theory states that 14 billion years ago there was no universe it's like a void with no planets nor living beings but scientists believe that all the matter today from the very simple atoms to the very heavy ones were all just gathered in one single spot. We already talked about black holes tiny spheres that are so dense and carry the weight of a whole planet. Just imagine the whole universe in one single spot with infinite density. When the moment comes and God decides to give birth to this universe this ball of condensed matter explodes with such a force that all the matter was projected with a speed not even comparable to light all the matter was already travelling through time, we are already living in the future and I'll go back to this point.This highly fast phenomenon is called the Universe Expansion where the matter travels billions of light years during a fraction of the second.
But the real question is: how can we prove the existence of something that happened this far in the past? 
This explanation will be divided into small articles to explain the proofs separately!!


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