The primodial image of the universe !!
If you're not yet convinced about the validity of the theory, let's just look at it from a philosophical perspective and for that purpose let's take a glance about the basics of vision. The ancient theory that states that the eye sees by projecting light into physical objects was proven wrong. In fact, the exact opposite thing happens and the eye possesses light sensors that capture the light emitted from physical objects then the brain deals with the rest by transforming neurotransmitted information into a visual image.

Let's conceive that after the sunrise you just open your eyes and instantly see everything that surrounds you, there is almost no delay this is due to the outstanding speed of light which is around 300.000 km/s meaning that it takes you about 3.33.10(-6) second to sight an object that is situated 1km away from you.
Knowing that the retinal persistence which is the minimal duration that the eye can see an alteration within is about 50ms which is far superior from the previous value and as a result we see things instantly.
But is it really the case of a far object?
I mean really far about millions and maybe billions of light-years.
Let's suppose that we observe a galaxy that is situated let's say about one million light-years, well that's very optimistic because right now our technology doesn't allow us to reach this incredible distance which is relatively tiny compared to this infinitely expanding universe. The transmitted image will reach us after one million year that means we can see the state of that object a million year in the past, a million year before its actual present condition. This can largely help us navigate through the history of the planets and galaxies and persevere all the Changement that occurred during this period. This may sound insane but if we could see something far enough, 14 billion light-years away from us we could most likely insight the moment of the big bang !!
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