The closest being theory of everything !!
In our basic knowledge of atoms, these tiny little particles are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons that are capable of holding protons together defying their repulsion due to the same charge sign. The most spread myth is about these particles being the tiniest, but in fact, there are even tinier particles like quarks, neutrinos, and bosons... These particles are called the fundamental particles that constitute everything in the universe. But something's odd!! Imagine building a wall using a dozen of building materials!! The thing that we are looking forward to, is a one fundamental particle that shapes everything, something that unifies the whole universe something that standardizes the classic and quantum mechanics!!

To look at things from another perspective, let's presume that I have a violin, violin has cords and playing these cords differently will result in an infinite amount of melodies, even it's the same instrument and the same cards, the possibilities are limitless!!
Well, literally, the approach is almost exact, in fact, we believe that there is an ultimate particle that resembles a kind of strings that vibrate, reshaping them will emit different vibrations it's like musical tunes on a melodic scale!! The world is just a symphony, a melody played by god!!
And there is more!!
Let's go back to the example of the two-dimensional fabric of space, let's say I decided to go from my home to my university, the easiest way to go will be in a straight line, that will save me a lot of time, but it turns out that there is a more effective way, If I some how to manage to fold the space-time fabric is such a way that the university will be right on top of me, then to reach it I'll have to go upward? But this is rather peculiar! How can I exit my space fabric?
This becomes more like science fiction than applicable physics, it's the theory of wormholes and time travel it resembles a tunnel that shortens the distances of the classical 4-dimensional universe (3 directions + 1 time). If the wormhole is capable of creating something out of the conceivable space-time fabric then it requires a lot more than a mere 4-dimensional space.
But is it really possible to form a wormhole?
Well, it is believed that a space fissure is actually happening, on a scale that is far away from being observed by the current technologies. This strange occurrence is believed to be a result of some chaotic space distortions, this can be only explained by some random movement which belongs to electrons!! But another strange thing is if this kind of dimensional fissure is possible then all the existing matter is unstable and all things are somehow traveling between every dimension! The fact that we are made of atoms we should also be navigating through dimensions!
That's not the case if something prevents these fissures of space from devastating the equilibrium of dimensions and I am talking about strings!!
If strings are conceptually some kind of vibrating filaments that define elements basing on the emitted vibrations, then if their motion will add more dimensions to it.
Let's take a more understandable approach if you take a small light, let's say a diode that has almost 0 dimensions ( a dot ) and moves it fast in a very dark room, you'll notice that the light kind of stretch in space forming a light beam that has one dimension ( a line). However, if you move the line you'll get a 2-dimensional shape ( a plan), moving the plan will result in a 3-dimensional form ( a volume), if this volume contains the fissure it can somehow control it, it's like putting ointment on a scar.
The other interesting things are the ability to create dimensions by just moving these strings through space and scientist believe that the string theory requires 11 dimensions to work! why 11?
The resolution of the mathematical equations, suggests that for this theory to work we need another 7 dimensions apart from the other 4 classical dimensions! So the concept of multi dimensions is merely from a mathematical perspective and there is no sign of proof yet.
Equations predicted some even more astonishing properties, the fact that strings have the ability to stretch humorously creating a membrane that can be as big as the whole universe!!
This revolutionized the understanding of dimensions and suggests that the other dimensions are just there in front of our eyes but we can't see them or interact with them, It's like television. Although the characters may seem 3 dimensional they can't quite exit the screen because they're trapped in their universe, their own space time fabric!!
More importantly, the theory suggests that we are living on a thin membrane or brane to be short. That the whole universe is somehow flat!!
Flat? wtf, tell me that the earth is flat.
To understand the flat notion let's consider the case of an insect that walks on an orange, while the sizes are comparable, the insect can feel the curvature of the space fabric, put it on a ball the difference of size grows and the perception of the curvature decreases. But what if we put it on a massive star? The answer is, it will believe that space is flat like humans did and they still though!

So every time the answer is, everything is relative.
Imagine if the world is a set of parallel multiverses in a shape of branes, then our universe from the instance of the cosmic inflation being just one sheet of paper from an infinite book!!
I am not going to rave any more about dimensions, but this theory is believed to be the closest being theory of everything !!!
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