The accelerated universal expansion !

When big bang occurred the matter was expanding very fast due to the momentum of cosmic inflation actually it's still expanding but at a slower rate this is very analogue to the escape velocity concept: the big bang caused the initial motor force that triggered the universe expansion but this happened 14 billion years ago and the expansion must've slowed down due to the lost energy caused by matter friction and resistant gravitational forces induced by the more concentrated mass within the direction of the singularity. Well, guess what? This is all wrong, or the least we could say is: This is what we expected !!
After observing another far away supernova and by using the redshift calculations to determine the                                        

distance separating us and by comparing the proportions between the distance we measured and the likely to be brightness of the supernova we discovered something strange, really strange!
The supernova looked fainter when it was supposed to be much brighter, meaning that the calculations are underestimating the distance, this led to a one and only revolutionary conclusion :
the universe expansion is accelerating !! This is totally contradictory to the escape velocity construct!
If the concept was right then at a certain moment the expansion will stop and all the remaining matter

will smash together forming relatively more huge galaxies and by the augmenting gravitational forces these galaxies would attract each other, then the smaller ones It's like a universal reverse sweep a phenomenon that is completely opposite to the big bang, an event that returns the cosmos into its paramount state, into the recreation of the singularity!
This is just from my perspective, as an observer and luckily this doesn't seem to be happening but the origin of the acceleration expansion is still yet to be answered!


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