Heat and Temperature
In the previous article, we learned that temperature helps somehow to cool the motion of qubits making it easier to manipulate them and avoiding the risk of quantum decoherence so how does it actually work? The answer is in the question itself, all we need to do is understand the notions of heat and cold and it's very easy. Well, cold is simply the absence of heat however heat is a type of energy that causes particles to agitate unbalancing the system. This kind of energy is special, it's what makes you feel the coldness of a refrigerator or the warmness of a mug of coffee and it's directly linked to temperature. Temperature is the measure of how much kinetic energy in a system, it's not really a measuring because you can't say "this object is 298°K", it's more like a comparison to a beforehand fixed value which is the temperature of water freezing to which we attributed the value 0°C., On the other hand, we attributed the value of 100°C to the ...